Arista SmileArista Smile

Providing dreams
and contentment through confectionery.


Since its establishment, YAMABOSHIYA has helped to enrich society by providing dreams and contentment to people through its confectionery products.
As the leading confectionery trading company of the Marubeni Group, we have constantly devoted ourselves to the confectionery distribution industry since our foundation.
With a network connecting around 1,100 confectionery manufacturers with around 500 clients nationwide, we provide consulting services such as product and planning proposals tailored to the needs of our clients.

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DATA About UsDATA About Us


Introducing our lineup of original brand products and imported products developed using our know-how


YAMABOSHIYA has made great strides in its more than 100 years of history, taking the changes of the times as opportunities to grow. We believe we have been able to weather various changes in the business environment and hardships thanks to our positive approach to the challenges in front of us and extensive experience in overcoming these hurdles.
Each and every one of our employees thinks and acts on their own initiative, helping us chart a course through the next 100 years of our existence.
Our personnel system allows young people to experience personal growth and provides an environment where they can challenge themselves.

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